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Daredevils for students

ISBN: 978-90-814373-5-6

Payment Details:
Daredevils for students: € 23,50
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Daredevils for students E book

‘Daredevils for students’ available on KOBO:

Daredevils for teenagers

ISBN: 978-90-814373-4-9

Payment details:
Daredevils for teenagers: € 29,50
Shipping costs within EU included
This article is not  available anymore.

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Daredevils for teenagers E book

‘Daredevils for teenagers’ available on KOBO:
A new edition will be available in 2022


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The costs of a personal virtual training are 95 euros per session of an hour. I give free intakes for about 20 minutes. 
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If they did it, you can!

- Daredevils method -

‘Evidence based method for students, parents, schools and counsellors’

‘Nerve is needed to overcome nerves’

Translated from

‘Evidence-based’ methode voor leerlingen, studenten, ouders, school en zorgbegeleiders

‘Leven is meervoud van lef’ (Loesje)

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