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Fear of failure means literally the fear to fail and I have been concerned with this phenomenon in all its forms, like too much study stress, lack of confidence, lack of motivation and social anxiety, for more than 20 years now. I have developed a method in which the term ‘fear of failure’ deliberately is hardly used. I'd rather call it BLOCKADE-STRESS.
The concept of fear of failure is confusing. For example, if you are not prepared for a task, you will feel anxious when you have to perform because you might fail due to lack of preparation. However, you can also experience the feeling of fear of failing when you have to do something beyond your capabilities.
Fear of failure means that you possess the ability to do something, but tension at a certain moment causes you to shut down. You block and because of the fear of repetition you might step into a pattern of so called BLOCKADE STRESS. This is comparable with an injury. It has a genetic element. Maybe you were born with weak ankles, but you can work on strengthening them. Or it takes more time, like when you got injured some time ago, but you never gave your injury a good chance to heal. You put on band-aids hoping that you would heal… but you didn’t. So you might lose your confidence and motivation after a while.
Luckily, fear of failure or blockade stress can be cured; It is not an anomaly that you are stuck with for the rest of your life. It is about stress and blockades which have a cause. It is about patterns of thoughts and about substances generated in your brain. You have the ability to reset your brain! Only then you will overcome your lack of confidence and lack of motivation and lose your social anxiety! Only then will you learn to deal with your study stress. One thing is clear: you need nerves to dare to change. That is why my method is called Daredevils.
You have become a Daredevil if you have conquered your problems and start taking new steps...
Developing Dare is about changing and that’s Living.
This method offers:
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